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PPUH \KMW FORMAT\ is located in Zawidowice, Poland on Zawidowice 42. PPUH \KMW FORMAT\ is rated 4.2 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Poland.
Hey I bought some doors from this polish company for my house in Germany and i am really satisfied with the final products i recived a few days ago! Really good materials and production from the people that work there! Also the contact through the entire process of making the doors was really good and the owners treat me with a lot of respect! I just can recommend this family business to everybody!
(Translated by Google) Very good quality doors! I would highly recommend. (Original) Drzwi bardzo dobrej jakości ! Gorąco polecam.
(Translated by Google) Very high quality doors, a custom design 100% tailored to my needs. Exceptionally good and hassle-free service. No problems with contact and ordering. (Original) Drzwi bardzo wysokiej jakości, projekt tworzony na zamówienie w 100% dopasowany do moich potrzeb. Wyjątkowo dobra i bezproblemowa obsługa. Brak problemów z kontaktem i zamówieniem.
(Translated by Google) Full professionalism. You can create your dream door. A huge range of possibilities when creating a project. Very nice service. I definitely recommend it! (Original) Pełen profesjonalizm. Można stworzyć swoje wymarzone drzwi. Ogromny zakres możliwości przy tworzeniu projektu. Bardzo miła obsługa. Zdecydowanie polecam!
(Translated by Google) The doors are made of durable and solid materials. Design at the highest level. I recommend! (Original) Drzwi wykonane z trwalych i solidnych materiałow. Wzornictwo na najwyższym poziomie. Polecam!
(Translated by Google) I spent about 10k on sell failure; (( if someone wants to see photos of KMW doors and wants to deeper reflection on the subject of materials for the production of door varnishes, fittings and anti-burglary protection. I invite you to priv I strongly advise against !!!! (Original) porażka wydałem około 10k na bubel ;(( jak ktoś życzy sobie obejrzeć zdjęcia drzwi KMW i ma ochotę na głębszą refleksję w temacie materiałów do produkcji drzwi lakierów , okuć i zabezpieczeń antywłamaniowych . zapraszam na priv zdecydowanie odradzam !!!!
(Translated by Google) A company from the Polish People's Republic tragedy - lack of professionalism, arrogance - people stay away from this something. (Original) Firma rodem z PRL tragedia- brak profesjonalizmu, arogancja - ludzie trzymajcie siÄ™ od tego czegoÅ› z daleka.
Zawidowice 4256-420 ZawidowicePoland
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